Sunday, April 10, 2011

Why people should shut up about congressional Salaries

       Everyone let me ask you a question does a doctor make more than you? yes why because they have a more difficult job.  Do you wish to make the same amount of money as a fast food worker? no? why? because you have a more important job than them.  Now why in the name of all that is holy would you want someone who makes the legislation that governs your life to make an "average salary"? now i understand that it would "make them want to create legislation that helps you" but think about it that makes you no better than the big corporations you just want them to make legislation that benefits you instead of the corporations but that's still wrong, and I'm sorry if your complaining about the "back scratching" and "back door deals" that are happening in our government then go ahead make Congress make an Average Salary.  The amount of corruption will go through the roof because then corporations will just give them even bigger "Campaign Contributions" and they still make the same amount of money and still put through the same legislation.  So nothing will have changed you stupid idiots!  I'm sorry but unless your in the armed forces your job is not as important as the members of congress so they should make more money than you so shut up about it.  However on the same note if you are a member of the armed forces you should be pissed because you should be making more money than them or at least close to the same amount, but the rest of you should remember that as much as you think this country sucks we still have it pretty good here, and if any of you disagree with me then thats fine you have the right to that opinion because you do live here but you also have the right to move the hell out of this country and see how your "free-thinking" and all that other self help hippie generation bull shit works out there.  Good luck