So there is nothing on this planet that I hate more than people who jingle change in their pocket. There’s no foreseeable reason for them to exist on this planet other than the sole purpose to annoy the rest of us into tar and feathering them. I hate standing in line at the bank and having some jerk in front of me do nothing but use his pocket change to let me and the rest of the bank know that he’s bored, or when I’m in class and some idiots not paying attention and is rolling his loose change around in his pocket because god knows that if he can’t pay attention then the rest of us shouldn’t be able too. I hate to say it but I hate these people because to me its just selfish and rude to do it. It’s like your saying that your boredom is more important than my sanity. I personally believe there should be an alternate universe that we can shove all of these annoying people into so that they can all just annoy each other or just talk about change jingling. Now I’m not saying this should be a bad place mind you, quite the opposite for them for us it would be a terrible place but for them it would be awesome. I think that in there universe Inflation should run wild so that money doesn’t have any value so there would be big piles of change scattered about so that they can jingle it to their little hearts content. In fact they can even roll around in the huge piles of money, they can do whatever they want with it as long as they aren’t in this universe annoying the hell out of the rest of us. Of course the massive Inflation would make life suck for everyone else in that universe but they wouldn’t care because their change jinglers. Their selfish and don’t care about anyone else other than themselves. Their in the same category of selfishness as that girl from willy wonka, William Shatner, Teenagers, and Tom Cruise. Which means that their not as bad as Mel Gibson, Michael Moore, AIG, Enron, and Donald Trump, but their still pretty bad… Im just saying
-Sean Johnston
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